Monday, June 5, 2023

Mutton Chukka / Dry Mutton Curry Recipe


Mutton Chukka / Dry Mutton Curry Recipe


 ½ kg boneless mutton (trimmed & diced)
3 Potatoes peeled and diced
2-3 Cinnamon Sticks
Spice Mix (mustard seed/cardamom)
20g of fresh ginger minced for marinating the mutton
3-4 small shallots
4-5 Garlic
4 Table spoon of Meat Masala Powder
2 Table spoon of Curry Powder
1 Table spoon of Coriander Powder
A cup of thick coconut milk
3 table spoon of coconut oil / peanut oil
A teaspoon of Himalayan salt
A teaspoon of Love Earth Mushroom Seasoning

  1. The meat is to be marinated with the minced ginger (mix them well) for 2-3 hours. This process not only removes the meaty odor, but also tenderizes the meat.
  2. Cook the meat on high flame with some water until the water evaporates (the meat will be cocked to about 80-85%). This process removes the moisture from the meat and makes it tender. This is needed because the whole idea is to create a dry mutton curry without the meat’s moisture.
  3. Take out the meat and put aside. Put some coconut oil/peanut oil in the wok. Heat it up and put the Spice Mix (mustard seed/cardamom). When the aroma rises, put in the chopped garlic and shallots.
  4. Now you can put in the cooked meat in and stir well.
  5. Add the meat masala powder, coriander powder, curry powder. Mix them well. At a bit of water if its too dry.
  6. Add in the diced potatoes. Mix them well.
  7. After some time, 10-15 minutes, add Himalayan salt, mushroom seasoning and continue to cook.
  8. Add in the coconut milk and bring them to oil.
  9. Continue to cook until the potatoes are cooked and the coconut milk releases the oil. This is the indication that the dish is ready.
 Well served with hot rice, chapatti, naan, pita bread or even roti canai.

Hope you enjoy the cooking process.

Below is the video of the whole cooking process:-

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